Instagram Edit Inter-Disciplinary

Core Studio



Hayley Eichenbaum is one of those inquisitive and highly perceptive artists, who uses intagram to disply her work of art such as sculpture, design, engineering, and still life.

Her purpose of this is to make things that give people exciting and energetic reactions from looking at her work. Instagram has affected her creative practice positively when she has joined a very supportive comunity that made her feel encouraged to take her photography practice further.

What inspired her was anything that may allude to a movie set. She is also attracted by 1950s and 1960s aesthetics. These aesthetics may be the architecture, geometrical shapes and colors. Moreover, for instagram she is pleased by accounts that have a defining aesthetic or underlying, containing images that are exploratory but clever. she thinks "a great feed should be like an arrangement of great stories". Nonetheless, she marks that we have to be responsible for what you put in the social media. Instagram could be used uneffectively so she joined instagram with great caution. She rather uses it for inspiration, sharing thoughtful ideas, great motivation, and connections.

Sources Instagram Edit Inter-Disciplinary